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Monday, April 18, 2011

In response to Yuemin and Nancy's blog

The Defense-- I agree with Yuemin for I also believe that Vonnegut did not project the message that he agrees or disagrees with his German ancestry. He did not explicitly convey the message that they are aggressive or calm, but he did present both sides! He stated how the Germans responded to prisoners who tried to escape, and also how they behaved to the Englishmen who were pleasant and optimistic for they made the war look stylish and exciting. They provided the extra ration they got by accident to the prisoners, and also the fact that they provided shelter for their enemies displays a lot about their character (Yuemin's post). I love how she found two examples which clearly emphasizes his vague voice about his opinion about his men. Again, Vonnegut laid out the truth with details so that we can make the guesses and interpret the message!! What do you think after reading this? DO you agree with war or disagree? Why? These are I think the questions what Vonnegut wanted us to answer............

The Difference-- When looking back at the two major novels we have analyzed this year, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and 1984 by George Orwell both sheds light on the unpleasant aspect of the humans; the unbecoming of man, the greed, the obsession for power, the decline in morality, the extreme punishments employed and so on. All these aspects take pessimistic approach to life leaving no hope for the humanity to learn and evolve. A shut window with no space for opening.

On the other hand, Slaughterhouse-Five, completely changed that aspect, even though we were bombarded with the incapabilities of Billy, we are later told a universal truth which should be interpreted and applied that events are bound to happen, and that we can only try so much to avoid it.. the inevitability of the moment..Billy survives the war and goes through education again to bloom as a wealthy optometrist . Sometimes I wonder, Vonnegut planned so that his inevitable death is not the last thing read for he hated planned endings and wanted hope for we begin with the end....As Billy made mistakes, we learned from it, we cried along with him, and survived along with him and for this I thank Vonnegut for making me grow along with Billy, and I hope to learn more if the accident will........

Billy in the Trailer (Nancy)- I agree and disagree at the same time. I think the actor was the right for he was weak and immature, unsure and apprehensive of every move he takes. He displayed that air of uncertainty which Billy always displayed; when he was captured by the Germans, when he was about to be killed if it wasn't for Weary!! The actor did portray that in my opinion! If you think about it, the movie is not pleasant for a reason, there is nothing to be excited about a massacre, the confused state of mind with the warping could have been done better for we have to consider that it was produced in the absence of advanced technology.....The transitions and the warps could have been better portrayed, and the music does have an impact for it communicates the sense of hope which Vonnegut wanted to convey to the future............

By: Parvathy

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